It’s every manager’s dream to have an efficient and highly productive team. However, productivity isn’t a magic potion. It takes commitment and a focused effort to be productive.
Being the manager, you are equally responsible for your team’s productivity as much as they are.
For instance, you might be having an experienced set of people in your team but if you are not doing anything to lead by example and boost their productivity, then there is no way you can expect positive results.
Wondering why your team isn’t as productive as it should be? It may be time to look inwards and reassess some of your practices.
Here are 5 common mistakes managers make that can kill their team’s productivity:
Setting Unrealistic Goals
If you think burdening your team with high targets and tight deadlines will push them to do better, you are highly mistaken. By being over-ambitious and creating a high-pressure situation for your team, you do nothing but kill their morale and productivity.
It’s important to be practical and ensure that you set realistic goals. Instead of just stating your requirements, it’s a good idea to discuss your expectations with the team and understand their point of view. The idea is to work as a team, support them to do better and not push them to burnout in the process.
Improper Delegation
Delegation is all about identifying your team members’ strengths and weaknesses and getting the work done. It’s a tricky responsibility to have because poor delegation can negatively impact the team.
While some managers are unable to give their team members space and end up micromanaging, there are others who end up overwhelming the team with more work than they can handle. These poor delegation habits hinder the team’s overall morale and affect their productivity.
While delegating, it’s important to provide them with adequate information, be clear with your expectations, assign tasks as per people’s strengths and monitor progress – that is the only way to delegate effectively.
Too Many Meetings
Did you know that professionals lose 31 hours per month to unproductive meetings?
Yes, meetings are a great way to address concerns and share updates but it’s important to consider the frequency of these meetings. Every time you think of scheduling a meeting, ask yourself if it’s really necessary.
Poorly planned meetings are nothing but a waste of time and a cause of frustration for your team members. Ensure every meeting has an agenda and the stakeholders stick to it. Secondly, everyone does not have to be part of every meeting. Limit the number of attendees and only include those who are involved in the project or decision-making process.
Not Recognizing Good Performers
Recognizing and acknowledging good work is extremely essential in establishing a productive work environment. It motivates good performers to do better and inspires others as well.
There are ways to appreciate good performance other than monetary incentives. Even publicly acknowledging them or giving out gift vouchers as a token of appreciation is a great way to show your appreciation.
Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more engaged and invested in the company which in turn boosts their productivity.
Lack of Support for Work-Life Balance
Does your team often stay back late in the office and work during weekends? If yes, it’s not something to be proud of because it just reflects poor work-life balance.
You need to prioritize your team’s work-life balance for them to draw healthy boundaries between their professional and personal life. People who live a ‘balanced’ life are ought to be happier and more motivated.
So, encourage them to spend time with their family, offer flexible working hours and offer engagement opportunities outside the office premises. Remember that your team can only give their best at work if they are physically and mentally fit.
It’s easy to put the blame on your team but being the leader, always remember that your actions have the ability to impact your team’s productivity. So, avoid these common mistakes and you are sure to give rise to a more productive working environment.