Meet Ajiri, Lilian and Ayo – October’s Employees Of The Month


Hey Fam! We would like to you meet our employees of the month. That’s right. We decided to tweak the selection process for our employee of the month a little bit. In order to encourage inclusion, management decided to streamline the voting process according to Functions (departments). This way, we get to appreciate our employees according to their input in their various Functions. This means from now on, there will be three employees of the month for each month.

At Whogohost, we have the Growth, Operations and Customer Support teams.

The employees of the month for the month of October are; Ajiri Onogomuho (Growth Function), Ayodele Ademeso (Customer Support Function) and Lilian Nwobu (Operations Function).

Ajiri is a Customer Relationship Manager, Ayodele works as a Technical Support Officer while Lilian is a Finance Officer. These three wonderful people tell us a bit about themselves in this interesting interview below. Get to know them below!

Meet Our Employees Of The Month

Tell us about yourselves guys

Ajiri: My name is Ajiri. I’m from Delta state but born and raised in Lagos. I studied economics from the great DELSU. I’m a fitness enthusiast and an advocate for getting paid for just existing.

Lilian: My name is Lilian. I’m a fun and loving child of God. I love Tv and Ice cream.

Ayo: My name is Ayodele. I’m from Ondo state. I studied Computer Science at FUTA. I’m a lover of the geek world.


Congratulations on being the employee of the month. How did you feel when you were announced as October’s employee of the month?

Ajiri: Thank you! I honestly wasn’t expecting it but the moment I heard my name I felt really proud of myself.

Lilian: Thank You. I was so happy ’cause I really was not expecting it. I feel like a winner that I am.

Ayo: I was surprised and was feeling fly a little.


Tell us what makes you unique

Ajiri: I’m not your regular girl next door. I don’t fit stereotypes very well. I’m often the odd one out in a group. I’m mysterious and you cannot fully predict me. I even get wowed at the new things I discover about myself day to day. I’m resilient, nothing completely breaks me.

Lilian: I think outside the box. If you are looking for someone in the crowd that will stand out then you’ll find me. My sense of humor and creativity makes me unique.

Ayo: I’m a “weird” free thinker.



If you could have superpowers, which would you want and why?

Ajiri: I really wish to have a lot of superpowers but if I was given the chance to choose only one, that will be telepathy.

Telepathy because I’d be able to effectively read people’s mind and know what their actual intentions were and can influence them to change their mind. I’ll never be wrong about this.

Lilian: I would love to have the ability to fly. I hate Lagos traffic.

Ayo: Precognition. The ability to see the future and make necessary changes to avoid disaster.


What do you love about your job?

Ajiri: The diversity. I get bored with things easily especially when I have to do the same routine every day. So being in a position where I get to do a lot of different stuff using different methods and learning new skills along the way makes me look forward to another day at the job.

Lilian: I love the investigation analysis and in-depth thinking that comes with my job role. Lol. Engaging daily in finding out why things are the way they are, learning new patterns and researching is so fun here.

Ayo: The opportunity I get to learn and try new things every day. The same routine is boring for me.


How do you get through a stressful day at work?

Ajiri: Music! Youtube is like my happy place at work. I have a go-to playlist whenever I’m overwhelmed with work. Also, asking my team members random questions that causes arguments as a result of different opinions and laughing through is a major stress reliever.

Lilian: I just look for who to disturb, hahaha😂 .

Ayo: Instagram please, and music too.


Who or what inspires you to be a better person?

Ajiri: Myself! I am always in a competition with myself. Every day, I try to be better than I was yesterday. Because I have to live with myself, I choose to live with a better-improved version of myself. I reap the benefit of exceeding my own expectations.

Lilian: My loving dad is a great source of inspiration for me. Daily I’m reminded of his achievements and what he is still doing at his age. I’m moved to do more and be better because he is an icon.

Ayo: I don’t have one person in particular. The people I come in contact with every day.



Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Ajiri: Living my dreams. And because my dreams are wild I see myself living la Vida Loca 5 years from now😊.

Lillian: Running my own company and leading others in the path of excellence. I will be touching the lives of every young girl on the street.

Ayo: Living a fulfilled life.


Who is your favorite person in the world?

Ajiri: My mum.

Lillian: Nobody

Ayo: My youngest sister.


If you could be anyone else for a day or a month, who would you want to be?

Ajiri: The president of Nigeria. I need to clean up the mess our past leaders have made of this country.

Lilian:  I would love to be the Queen of England.

Ayo: Aliko Dangote, please.


If you are given 50 million Naira to either live a year alone in the woods, live a year without your phone or live a year without clothes, which would you choose and why?

Ajiri: I’d choose to live a year without clothes, please. I’m even still vexing at Eve for eating that apple. Thinking of what to wear and do the actual wearing every day is too much work.

Lilian:  This is a difficult one oo. Lol. I can’t choose any biko 🤔.

Ayo: If it’s a smartphone. I can live a year without a smartphone.


How would you describe Whogohost to someone who wants to know what our company culture is?

Ajiri: Whogohost is a place of personal growth if you are determined. And yes, the family culture is fantastic. You have colleagues looking out for you all the time.

Lillian: I will say that Whogohost is a big river and it takes a skilled swimmer to sail through. You’ve got to be ready to ready to receive love and work hard.

Ayo: Whogohost actually brings the best out of you and you get the opportunity to work with great, lovely minds.


What advice do you have for new entrants?

Ajiri: Working hard is important but working smart is importanter.

Lillian: Hey newbie, you’ve got to be ready to work and work and work. Lol. Be ready to contribute your Quota cos it will pay off.

Ayo: Be smart, but don’t try to outsmart.


Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself with us. It was lovely getting to know you a little more.

Ajiri: I am glad I could share

Lilian: You’re most welcome.

Ayo: Glad I could share.

We hope you enjoyed reading Ajiri’s interview? Send her your congratulatory messages in the comment section.

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