The alarming increase of leaked confidential information from websites that disrupted the security industry last year drew a lot of attention to how vulnerable most websites are to data theft from cyber criminals. As I was thinking about this, an analogy crossed my mind. Picture this with me;


You have worked hard with your team on a strong marketing campaign and gone through the process of creating quality ads that successfully attract visitors willing to make a purchase or learn more about your business to your website.These potential clients are on your site when a NOT SECURE icon shows on the URL bar next to your domain name which tells your potential client the site they are about to use may not secure. That is definitely a deal breaker! With that single warning, no user will proceed to your website.


That is definitely something nobody wants on their website! The truth is this is not imaginary;  this is actually happening right now.


.Are you aware that browsers have started displaying websites that have a form without any SSL certificate as NOT SECURE? Surprised?
More than ever, a lot of web users are aware of the increase in cybercrime and the need for web security. I am sure no one wants to be a victim of cyber crime hence this information empowers users to make informed decisions about the site they are about to visit.


With an SSL certificate on your website, you can prevent turning away potential clients from your site as well as protect users of your site from having their communication intercepted by a 3rd party. It  also tells users that your website can be trusted.


We understand the importance of security to any website hence, we are offering you the opportunity to build client trust in your brand by making your website secure with 10% off any SSL certificate of your choice. Protect your online business from cyber criminals and increase trust in your brand today. Get an SSL certificate now! Shop here and get 10% off. Use the promo code BESECURE at checkout to take advantage of this discount. Offer expires March 20th.Terms and conditions apply.
If you have comments or questions, do share them in the comment section. Share this article to educate others. A solution shared solves a multitude of problems. Till our next blogpost, BE SECURE

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